A Dog's Purpose

A Dog's Purpose - W. Bruce Cameron Toby/Fella/Bailey/Ellie/Buddy narrates this guide for humans. Bailey explains that dogs are born multiple times, and carry the memory of the important things from one lifetime to another. Bailey allows us to share his lives ranging from feral puppy, to beloved pet, to search and rescue dog and beyond. Bailey wants us to understand that every dog is looking for the purpose in his life … his reason for being.

Granted, lately we seem to have been asked to accept many books “written” by dogs; fiction, non-fiction, memoirs and how-to’s. But if you have ever looked into the eyes of a dog and you just know he is wondering why you “don’t get it” then you have to believe in Bailey. This book had laugh-out-loud moments, reach for the tissue box moments and downright aaaawwwww moments. I loved them all … and ahem … I’m a cat person.