Aaron and Dorothy married against objections from his family and friends, but he loved her. When a tree crashes through the roof of their home and kills Dorothy, those family and friends do not know how to reach out to Aaron as he grieves. Aaron’s family owns a publishing company specializing in “Beginner’s how-to books”, but there was never a Beginners Guide to Grief”. Aaron is left alone, in his destroyed home that he is procrastinating about repairing, until it virtually falls down around his ears, forcing him back into the real world. His coping mechanism is the glimpses he has of Dorothy. Is she a ghost or a figment of his imagination?
This is a charming book, which examines family, friends and loves in the life of a pretty ordinary man. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine Aaron as someone you know or have met. That’s part of the charm of this book. This is a perfect summer read.