Lisette's List: A Novel

As the war draws to an end, and Lisette knows Andre is not returning she begins her list of things she must accomplish in her life and at the top of the list is to find the paintings Pascal treasured so much. This search leads her through the countryside surrounding the village. During her quest she meets Marc and Bella Chagall who not only gift her with a painting Chagall produces just for Lisette, but also teach her more about her neighbours and their way of life. With the discovery of each hidden work of art Lisette begins to understand more about herself and what she is capable of accomplishing.
Once again Ms. Vreeland does what she does best, incorporate her knowledge and love of art and history into an interesting story. This story moves along at a comfortable yet somewhat sedate pace, no doubt similar to the pace of life in 1940’s Rousillion. Not being drawn to books set in times of war I was a little apprehensive about picking this one up and, yes, it does contain some descriptions about the atrocities committed during WWII however those were not the central theme. Lisette’s List embodies some of my favorite subjects (and a few tips on making Marzipan, as well) so of course I enjoyed it.