Edmund Unravels

Edmund Loom is a ball of yarn. Edmund likes nothing better than to bounce down the three front steps outside his house and go exploring. "As Edmund travels he unravels". Although Edmund's parents “love his enthusiasm” his exploring means hours spent rolling him back up to reel him back into the house. As Edmund got older he, of course, got bigger so he could travel further and further from home. The further he traveled the more adventures he had until one day he realized he’d gone too far and been gone too long. Would Edmund ever feel that familiar tug and know his parents were rolling him back up towards home?
Yes this is a children’s book. But it’s a special book written and illustrated by a young man I have known for years as he and my daughter went all through school together. This past Saturday was Independent Booksellers Day, to raise awareness for the small independent bookstores that are still around and trying to hold their own against the giants like Chapters and Borders. I learned that Andrew was going to be at one of our local small independent bookstores in support of the event. Of course I had to go and offer him my congratulations on his published work. It goes without saying that I purchased one of his books that he graciously signed.
It is cute children’s book with an important message for little ones told in very entertaining way. The pictures are whimsical and creative.
Andrew Kolb received his Bachelor of Art degree in Brisbane, Australia and is now living back home in Ontario, Canada. His work has been featured in numerous galleries, exhibits and publications. Edmund Unravels is his first picture book.