The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating

The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating - Alisa Smith, J.B. MacKinnon This is our "One Book, One Community" choice for 2008. I purchased this book because of that and then put off reading it because I thought it would be a boring "this is what we did to save the environment" book. I was wrong! I really enjoyed this book. It made me think and definitely made me more aware of choices that we make in our lives, which I never considered as having an impact on our environment. Could I go so far as to live this way, even for one year? NO! Again, I thoroughly enjoyed the background facts in this book. I did not know much about the western provinces of Canada (hanging my head in shame). This book has pulled a few interesting threads in my virtual sweater or readng, unravelling it enough that I will be looking into a little more thoroughly. My only complaint about this book is that it is a combination effort by the two authors, written in the first person, and until I got used to the writing style differences, I found it difficult to discern who was writing the particular chapter I was reading.